Monday, December 30, 2019
The History and Role of a Financial Consultant
The History and Role of a Financial ConsultantThe History and Role of a Financial ConsultantFinancial consultant is a somewhat bygone title thats been replaced by financial advisorat mostfinancial services firms. The job used to be known colloquially among the general public as a brokerorstockbroker and the more formaljob titleusedby mostsecurities brokerage firms was account executive or registered representative. The position has also been known as an account executive, registered representative, and financial consultant. Details, Responsibilities, and Specialization Back in the days when financial consultants were commonly found in financial services firms, theirjob duties were similar to what they are today. All thats really changed is the title. Financial consultantscounsel clients on investment opportunities and this requires staying up to the minute with fluctuations in the market. They have to be excellent salespersons, selling themselves, their firms, and their investmen t ideas. Some financial consultants serve only individuals while others serve only geschftlicher umganges such as retail chains or institutions. Compensation Packages Compensation is typically by commission, but some financial consultants also earn salaries and are additionally compensated through naturalrabatt programs and profit sharing. Overall, pay can range from as little as $36,111 a year for those who are just starting out and havent yet established a significant client base to upward of $161,401 a year for more experienced consultants. As in most professions, compensation tends to increase with the size and stability of the firm with average compensation falling in the neighborhood of about $57,000 across all firms. The job requires dedication and a significant time commitment. Most financial consultantswork in excess of 50 hours a week and working 80 hours a week is not uncommon. A Little History Most leading securities brokerage firms had launchedwhat today would b e called a rebranding of this position by the 1980s. They sought to upgrade its leumund and the title financial consultant was a popular choice at many firms. The goal was to replace the old image of the transaction-driven salesperson with a new one of a highly-trained financial professional who offered valuable investment advice and counsel to clients. Financial advisor started gaining in popularity by the early 1990s as yet another rebranding exercise. Many firms believed that this title conveyed the image that they wanted to project even more so than financial consultant. It seemed to be an obvious evolution given that the advisory role was a key part of the consultant image. Merrill Lynch Comes on Board Interestingly, retail securities brokerage industry leader Merrill Lynchwas the last of the major firms to make this change. Its compliance departmentwas very powerful and very cautious back in those days. Merrill Lynch feared that using the title financial advisor could have severe legal and regulatory ramifications by implying that the holders of that title would be subject to more stringent fiduciary standards. The looser suitability standardtraditionally guided the actions of brokers, account executives, and registered representatives. Indeed, various business and financial publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Barrons, and Forbesregularly editorialized that the financial advisor title carried such an implication. The media called for a fiduciary standard to be imposed upon its holders. As it turned out, Merrills fears turned out to be unfounded, and it eventually renamed its financial consultants as financial advisors. The Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) designation is a credential forfinancial planners.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Ways for a Manager to Prepare for a Performance Review
Ways for a Manager to Prepare for a Performance ReviewWays for a Manager to Prepare for a Performance ReviewThe annual employee wertzuwachs review is an essential human resource process for documenting how well an employee performed throughout the year, an opportunity to provide feedback to the employee, and serves as a springboard for setting performance and development objectives for the coming year. However, the annual workplace ritualbeen compared to a trip to the dentist to get a root canal. Both can be accurate descriptions. Just like taking care of your teeth, the reason the annual performance review ends up feeling like a root canal is because of a lack of preventive maintenance. With a healthy amount of upfront planning and regular check-ups, the annual performance review can be as painless as annual teeth cleaning. Here are seven ways a manager can prepare for an annual employee performance review in order to make it a productive and painless discussion 1. Start With Per formance Expectations and Goals Preparing for an annual performance review starts with the hiring process. A well-written job posting and job description clearly spell out what is expected of the employee and what good performance should look like. Performance expectations dont have to take the form of a formal job description. Just be sure to discuss these expectations and goals with the employee and revisit them on a regular basis. Things can change, and when they do, the employee shouldnt be the last to know. 2. Provide Regular Feedback Throughout the Year A big part of making the annual review painless is the elimination of surprises. Employees deserve and need positive and critical feedback on a regular basis. In order for feedback to be effective, it needs to be timely, delivered as soon as possible after the performance result or behavior. Sure, critical feedback can sting a little, but its way less painful than getting it all at once at the end of the year. 3. Deal W ith Performance Problems Swiftly and Decisively The annual review is NOT the time to address a serious performance problem for the first time. Managers need to learn how to recognize, diagnose, and discuss performance problems throughout the year. 4. Maintain Documentation Throughout the Year One of the hardest parts of preparing for a review is trying to remember everything that happened over the course of a year. When a manager doesnt keep a record of employee performance and behaviors throughout the year, they tend to base their review on recent memory. A simple way todocument throughout the yearis to keep a folder for each employee for performance reports, examples of good and bad behavior, summaries of discussions, customer feedback, attendance records, and anything else pertaining to performance expectations and goals. 5. Get Feedback From Others While a manager is the best part to evaluate an employees performance, its also helpful to solicit feedback from customers, co-workers, and other managers. This can be done on a regular and informal basis, or with more formal survey methodology. Feedback should be confidential and anonymous and used in aggregate to verify and support the managers assessment. 6. Ask for Feedback From the Employee While a manager should NEVER ask an employee to write their own review, its a good practice to ask for a self-assessment from the employee as part of the preparation process. The employee may have information that the manager was not aware of, and at a minimum, the manager can get advance notice of any blind spots the employee may have. 7. Be Prepared With Examples For performance, provide objective, measurable performance documentation if at all possible. For behavioral feedback, provide 2-3 specific examples for each competency. When a manager follows these preparation tips, the annual discussion should merely be a summary of everything that has already been discussed throughout the year. The focus can then turn to set expectations and goals for the following year.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Reference Letter Examples
Reference Letter ExamplesReference Letter ExamplesHave you been asked to write a reference for an individual or a business? Obliging is more than just a nice thing to do. Its a helpful networking move, for both the recipient and the sender. If you ever want to get a new job, apply for graduate school, or join a coop board, youll need people wholl be willing to write you sterling letters of reference and recommendation. The best way to make aya that you have such people lined up is to be generous with your own time and write references for others. Sold on helping out, but not sure where to start? Use behauptung ideas and templates as a springboard to write your own reference letter for a friend, colleague, or business. Review academic recommendations, business reference letters, personal, and professional references and more below. Reference Letters Examples Business Reference Letters You may be asked to write a reference for a business reference for a business associate, client, vendor, or other professional contact. These letters encompass many different kinds of endorsements. Depending on the circumstances, you may be asked to recommend a business or professional service, or attest to the quality of the work supplied by a contractor. Business Reference Letters Find out what to include in your business reference letter and see example letters that can help you guide your work. Professional Reference Letter Need another example of a professional reference letter? Look here for both hard-copy and email versions. Professional Services Reference Letter This letter provides a reference for a current or former contractor whos seeking to sell their services to another organization. Character Reference Letters Character reference letters are most appropriate for applicants seeking their first job those who have little formal work experience and for people who cant obtain references from a previous job for a variety of reasons. This font of recommendation is much l ess formal and can be written by a teacher, a coach, or a mentor. College and high school students whove done odd jobs like babysitting and dog walking can consider asking their employers for a reference letter. The letter should highlight the skills and attributes that the writer knows firsthand and state why theyd recommend the person to a potential employer. Important abilities to highlight include motivation, dedication, honesty, responsibility, diligence, helpfulness, loyalty, and discipline. A character reference should be timely, relevant, and concise. Character Reference Letter This guide outlines the purpose of a character or personal reference letter and helps you decide whether its appropriate to write one. Includes a sample, as well. Character Reference Letter Find another sample letter and tips about writing an effective letter here. Personal Reference Letters Includes specific reference letter examples for character references, personal recommendations, letters for fri ends, etc. Email Reference Letters These days, youre likely to send your reference letter by email. Learn how to format your letter for maximum effectiveness by reviewing these examples. Email Reference Letter Example Find all kinds of email message formats for job searching, including reference letters, in this piece. Email Reference Request katechese These samples will help you ask for a reference from an advisor or professor. Email Message Requesting a Reference Example Need to request a professional or personal reference for yourself? This sample email message will help you structure your request. Employee Reference Letters A solid employee reference letter consists of several parts an introduction stating your position and relationship to the candidate confirmation of his previous job title and salary your assessment of the candidates skills and qualities and some specific examples of ways in which he excelled. Employee Reference Letter Get tips on how to write an employee refe rence letter and review a sample. Employment Reference Letters Reference and recommendation letters for just about every situation, including employees whove been laid off, summer employees, and general recommendations. Employee Reference Letter from a Manager Need to write a reference for a current or former report? Start here. Former Employer Reference Letter Provide a reference for a past employee with these tips and examples. Layoff Reference Letter Layoffs claim even the best employees. Help them get back on their feet with a new employer with this sample. Letter Sample Asking for a Reference Need to ask for a reference from a former boss, teacher, or coach? These tips and example can help workers who are just starting out. Letter of Recommendation for an Employee Help a former employee land a job with these tips and example. Manager Reference Letter Here are three examples of reference letters from managers to guide you in recommending a former report. Co-Worker Recommendation Letter Want to help a current or former co-worker land the job of their dreams? Get guidance and a recommendation letter example here. Letter Requesting Permission to Use a Reference Many jobs ask for references during the hiring process. Line up yours ahead of time by sending requests based on this sample. Positive Recommendation Letter These samples will help you craft the kind of glowing recommendation that gets hiring managers attention. Promotion Recommendation Letter Help a colleague or direct report land a promotion, with these tips and examples. Negative Recommendation Letter Not all recommendation letters will help you get the job. Learn how to spot lukewarm or negative recommendations before you pass them along to a prospective employer. (Or make sure the letter youre writing doesnt fall into this category.) Academic Reference Letters An academic recommendation letter highlights both scholarly strengths and personal character and will focus more. It paints an overall pict ure of the students personal traits, performance, experience, strengths, and professional promise. This letter can also be used to explain a weakness or issue with a students record. Graduate School Reference Letter Get a sample graduate school reference letter or thank a professor for providing one, with these tips and samples. Academic Reference Letters? Includes all kinds of academic reference letters, from college recommendations to grad school references. Summer Employee Reference Letter Write a reference for a seasonal worker using these tips and sample. Teacher Reference Letter These tips and sample letter will help you write a reference for a teaching position. Online Contact Letter LinkedIn Recommendations Learn what makes a good LinkedIn recommendation with this guide. Reference List Examples Its no longer necessary to include a line on your resume stating that references are available upon request but that doesnt mean that references are any less useful than they eve r were. You should always have a prepared list of references in your back pocket before embarking on any interview process. (This is also valuable information to share if youre helping a colleague, report, or friend with their references and recommendations.) Professional References Format Heres how to format a list of references so that a hiring manager can contact them during the process. Sample List of References Learn what to include in a list of references and when to send references with a job application, in this guide.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Powerful Information Technology Director Sample Resume to Get You Hired
Powerful Information Technology Director Sample Resume to Get You HiredPowerful Information Technology Director Sample Resume to Get You HiredCreate this Resume Everett Osborne4013 Grove AvenueTulsa, OK 74120(333)sBusiness Management ResumeDirector Of Human Resources Resume Disaster Recovery Manager Resume E Commerce Resume Financial Services Resume Food Services Manager Resume Help Desk Support Resume Hospitality Management Resume Human Resources Director Resume Industrial Engineer Resume Information Security Manager ResumeInformation Security Resume Information Technology Director Resume Information Technology Resume
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The Best Confidence Boosting Tips Out There - The Muse
The Best Confidence Boosting Tips Out There - The MuseThe Best Confidence Boosting Tips Out There It seems like everyone wants to talk about women and confidence lately. From The Confidence Gap, by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman...there is a particular crisis for women- a vast confidence gap that separates the sexes. Compared with men, women dont consider themselves as ready for promotions, they predict theyll do worse on tests, and they generally underestimate their abilities. This disparity stems from factors ranging from upbringing to biology.The article and Kay and Shipmans book are bedrngnis without their critics. And in my opinion, their solution is even worse. As reported by Jessica Valenti telling women to meditate, be grateful, sit up straight, and get good sleep. I know gratitude is really trendy, but Im not on board- feeling grateful is a nice strategy when you cant change your situation. If you live in a totalitarian society or have a terminal illness, being grateful for wh at you have is the best you can do. If you have the ability to change your life, instead try cultivating a flame of righteous fury.Im very confident and have been since some magical day when I was about 27 and realized I had been feeling calm, unshakeable, dignified, and bemused by most problems for some time. I wasnt born this way. When I was a child, my parents were frequently called in to school for parent-teacher conferences on the topic, Jennifer is too sensitive. But at some point, that changed, and its been balls-out ever since. Not a lot really shakes me.(I like the ausprgung balls-out, because doing anything with your balls out, if you have balls, makes you look ridiculous and also makes you extremely vulnerable to basically everything, including not just tigers and bears but also table corners.)How did I get so confident? And how can you do it, too?I think a lot of people have the causality backwards. I didnt force myself to be confident and then become successful as a res ult I worked on quantifiable hard skills until I was making good money, and then I discovered I felt very confident. I hadnt realized until then that a huge component of how I interacted with the world was colored by my lack of money and the vulnerability this comes with that.Here are some ideas for improving your confidence. The overarching principles, though? Detoxify yourself from the patriarchy, and build undeniable, quantifiable hard skills.1. Quantify EverythingThere is an enormous difference between saying you increase your clients sales by an average of 18% or have a perfect 170/170 on the GRE or type 325 words per minute and saying youre an expert on personal branding or good with people. The former are quantifiable the latter are things that people with no valuable skills whatsoever put on their resumes to pad them out. Sure, you might be way better than those people- but can you prove it?Quantify everything. You write the companys email newsletters? Great, how many did yo u write in 2014, what was the open rate, what was the click-through rate, what percent converted to sales, and how do those numbers compare with your predecessors performance in 2013? Youre an bewegungsknstler? How many people viewed your work in that gallery? By what percent has the sale price of your paintings increased? You really are an expert in personal branding? How many people attended your seminars, and what percent of them gave you a positive rating?Do you work in an environment where people are likely to be biased against you? (Are you not a white, able-bodied, heterosexual, cis man?) Numbers are your friend. Develop skills you can quantify, and then work to improve those numbers. Become undeniable.(See also 6 Ways to Quantify Your Code, Tech Skills Are Not Optional for Your Career, and How to Quantify Your Resume Bullets (When You Dont Work With Numbers).)2. Put Money FirstWomen hear a lot more do what you love rhetoric than men do. A lot of men didnt do what they love b ecause they knew they wanted a family someday, and they needed to make money. Even though most women will be breadwinners at some point in their lives, few women make the same calculations.And while there are some men out there who are engineers when they wish they couldve been bewegungsknstlers, I have personally met more than one woman artist who struggled during a STEM degree and- instead of getting motivation and help- was told, Oh, its okay, science is hard. Dont you like art?Besides, most people dont know exactly what they love. Job descriptions change constantly, and new jobs come into being with new technologies. Sometimes you dont love something until youre good at it. Sometimes you love something because other people worship you for it. Thats legit, and its a good way to get paid- and feel great about what you do.On the same note, save up an emergency fund- anywhere from three to 24 months of living expenses. When I was living paycheck-to-paycheck, I didnt realize how vuln erable I felt all the time. If I got sick, I could bankrupt myself on healthcare. Even if I just twisted my ankle and decided to forgo medical care, a $27 cab ride home hurt more than the ankle. Ever stay in a bad relationship because you couldnt afford to move out or worry that one social event somewhere fancy will leave you without money to pay rent? A fat emergency fund will do loads for your confidence.3. Take Focus Off Your AppearanceOr rather, take the focus off looking pretty, sexy, beautiful, and the like. (And dont try to look thinner, either, if thats something you normally do.) Take at least a temporary detox from often-oppressive beauty standards.What would that look like? The opposite of trying to look beautiful is not necessarily becoming a slob. What would it be like to put time, effort, thought, and money into your appearance- with no thought whatsoever to looking attractive to men (or better than other women)? Would you try to look empathetic? Smart? Dignified? Wise ? Rich? Commanding? Intimidating? Vibrant? Dynamic? What would that look like? Would it improve your career? Would you be happier? Maybe- more confident?I remember one day I was getting dressed to go teach a GMAT class. I was running late and yet had thrown on one of those fabulous office dresses that looks odd- like your face doesnt match your body- without at least a dash of makeup. I looked at the clock and thought No one cares how good-looking their GMAT instructor is. If anyone cares at all, they probably want their GMAT instructor to look smart and empathetic. I threw on a mens-style collared shirt and some kind of pants (I assume) and dashed off to class. Sometimes a pencil behind the ear is the right accessory.If you already live this way, great If not, try it for a week. You may not have clocked just how many decisions you make based on the idea that women should try to be beautiful at all times. Have you even compromised your personal brand, as they say, by trying to look pretty instead of trying to project the qualities important to your career? 4. Cultivate a Healthy Relationship With AgingDo you have friends over 50? Mentors? Role models? Get some. Ive heard young women say that they have to be successful while theyre still hot, or else it wont count. Look, were all humans and were all mortal. Were in that together. You dont need to live by some other, terrible ticking clock that lessens your value as a person year by year. You may not realize that you have this attitude, but in a culture that lionizes youth, its easy for it to be embedded in you and to be living with a constant, low-level fear of aging without even realizing it. Is your greatest hope for your 60s that itll be some pale imitation of your 30s, where you havent lost everything? Or do you just avoid ever thinking about it?Try reading magazines like mora or O Magazine that are intended for much older women. ADULT magazine (adult as in NSFW) has a series called Adult of the Week (adult as in over a certain age). And check out the Advanced Style blog.Fall in love a little with your future 60-year-old self. And do everything in your power- plan, save, hustle, negotiate for more- to set her up with resources and choices.5. Put Overconfident Idiots in Their PlaceFinally, consider that the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, confidence-wise, may not be as large as you would assume. This is because, as Amanda Hess writes, know-nothing sociopaths rule the business world. That is, being confident can mean being calm, content, competent, and having a rationally grounded belief in your own, actual, demonstrable skills and abilities. It doesnt mean being an arrogant blowhard.Quoth Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic in the Harvard Business Review...there is no denying that womens path to leadership positions is paved with many barriers including a very thick glass ceiling. But a much bigger problem is the lack of career obstacles for incompetent men.Instead of being intimidated by very confident people, examine whether they are overconfident and you are just fine. Is someone substituting his tallness and loudness and maleness and social obliviousness for competence and skill? Practice looking amused whenever someone does this. Smile condescendingly. Say something like, You sound very confident, but we havent seen any data. Or, I admire your confidence, but lets address the underlying assumptions. Say it as though you are talking to a toddler who has told you he is going to grow up to be Superman, or a fire truck. (See also How to (Effectively) Be a Feminist in the Workplace.)Finally, Chamorro-Premuzic reports that leaderless groups have a natural tendency to elect self-centered, overconfident and narcissistic individuals as leaders, and these personality characteristics are not equally common in men and women. So take charge of any leaderless group- possibly by appointing yourself leader, or by nominating another woman, or by suggesting a rost er of responsibilities and meeting facilitation, or by drawing up a list of leadership tasks and suggesting that everyone volunteer for a few. Maybe you do not have a confidence problem. Maybe you are just fine and you are surrounded by overconfident assholes. That doesnt mean do nothing. That means speaking up for rationality, sanity, and quiet people with something to contribute.Photo of woman working courtesy of Shutterstock.
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Biggest Myth About How Do I Upload My Resume to Linkedin Exposed
The Biggest Myth About How Do I Upload My Resume to Linkedin Exposed Its tempting to attempt to build a thorough set of rules which will effectively match a candidate to a work automatically. Naturally, the resume objective needs to be the job you wish to take. The work description for any specific position will provide you with a clue as to whats important to the employer. Deciding upon the proper job application format is important whether you choose to acquire the essential job. If you dont paste your resume, you will need to upload it. Close to the middle of the webpage, you will see a section called Available Resumes. If you dont have access to a scanner, you can use services on campus. Facts, Fiction and How Do I Upload My Resume to Linkedin Picking an incorrect kind of resume format will induce job loss. So blogs on CV ideas may help you guide in what order to put your information. Well, its pretty simple to discover a bit more about it. The Dos and Donts of How Do I Upload My Resume to Linkedin Military maintains also generally have a whole lot of white space. To begin with, it enables you another means to demonstrate volunteer work youve participated or are participating in. Furthermore even in the event the job is in another country an individual can apply for it all of the way sitting at your house . The great thing is that you may also add resume on LinkedIn. Some individuals simply keep a little collection of close contacts. They still want to take advantage of LinkedIns resume import feature. 1 good way to find help is to start with writing a LinkedIn recommendation. The Battle Over How Do I Upload My Resume to Linkedin and How to Win It Its possible for you to access insights, knowledge and assorted job opportunities. Its important to get a professional resume that is not hard to read and successfully highlights your abilities and experience, but when saving a resume file for uploading, in plus-rechnen, it is critical to be certain it is readily accessible for potential employers. Oh koranvers, you are still able to view all the job posting we have AND take advantage of all the absolutely free ideas, tricks and training we offer about getting hired, how to ace interviews, etc.. Its very vital to comprehend the sort of resumes preferred by the establishment that you need to work for. Top Choices of How Do I Upload My Resume to Linkedin LinkedIn is among the simplest and most useful sites to import the data of your professional life and place it in digital so as to look for professional opportunities. There are scores and scores of opportunities for you whether you import LinkedIn resume 2019, as youll be uploading your professional info to a more public site where people will have the ability to realize your profile and make sure that you possess the abilities and experience theyre searching for. Evidently, if youd like to get found, you should opt to display your resume and contact info (and youll receive the advantage of the insights into whos looking at your resume). New Step by Step Roadmap for How Do I Upload My Resume to Linkedin Most resume format word file available for free download so make certain not to waste cash with the thought of getting a better choice. Below are the advantages and disadvantages of each file format to help you select the best resume format for every single circumstance. Moreover there are many resume templates Microsoft Word to select from that its really tough to land on that 1 link which will actually get the job done for you. Word Resume templates are simple to find or spot online and can be downloaded for more use. Format of the application is one of the essential things which ought to be considered while publishing it. Document files come in all types of flavors depending on how theyre saved and even the sort of software used to create them. Writing a competitive application document demands a whole lot of effort. however, it surely pays off. There are lots of resume examples on the web, so all you should do is search for them. Luckily, application review doesnt need to be such a manual procedure. There are a couple of the many tactics to frame an application. The Indeed mobile app is indeed among the most comprehensive job-search applications on the marketplace. The edit file will open into your www browser at which you will observe a page with a simple instruction to click the edit button at the base of that page. You can also produce a personalized link to our document which may be easily pasted into an email or message. You might need to edit your resume within the text box to be certain it still appears professional. Nowadays you have an updated version that you wish to upload. The odds of being rejected by employers are high once youve got an unprofessional resume. Ensure you use the exact same information which you provided to unemployment insurance once you filed for UI benefits. 1 ad vantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in comparison to traditional hiring methods. Its possible to post your resume online by producing a completely free account in addition to a work alert.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Sephora Created An Accelerator Program For Female
Sephora Created An Accelerator Program For FemaleIn a startup landscape where female-lumineszenzdiode companies are funded at a drastically lower rate than those with a male founder receiving only 3 percent of total venture capital dollars between 2011 and 2013, by one Babson College estimate Sephora is aiming to give female beauty entrepreneurs a much-needed lift. The beauty retailer is kicking off a new program this year called Sephora Accelerate, which will put 10 early-stage startups through a bootcamp at its San Francisco headquarters, provide them with mentorship and give them a stage to present at a demo day in August. Though Sephora officially announced the program on Tuesday, it took applications until Dec. 31 and will select its class of participants by March.Read mora on One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the belastung time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot sh ould consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Sa lary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating ge nder bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.
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